How To Decide If Your Ductwork Design Is Efficient

Ductwork design is a science and an art. At H&S Heating and Air Conditioning, we’re students of ductwork design, working hard to make sure air flows properly based on math, while ensuring our setup is aesthetically pleasing.

Read along as we learn how to decide if your ductwork design is efficient.

Ductwork Design Details

HVAC systems can’t efficiently heat or cool your home if the ductwork design doesn’t hold up. Depending on the size of the ductwork, where turns and exits are placed, and how well it is sealed, your efficiency will be greatly affected, costing you cash. Let’s dive into the details.

Ductwork Size

Your ductwork needs to be the right size to carry all the air that heats or cools your home. Wasting space by making the ductwork larger than it needs to be results in loss of energy, but too little ductwork or too small of ductwork can cause vibrations and noise, reducing efficiency and overworking your HVAC unit.

Ductwork Placement

Trunk vs. Radial ductwork. Trunk design branches out from one large duct that comes off the main HVAC system. Radial design comes from the HVAC system being placed in the middle of the building, while multiple ducts come out like petals on a flower.

If ductwork is sent through uninsulated or under-insulated rooms like attics, or just exterior walls, you can lose a lot of energy.

Ductwork Sealing

Ducts must be thoroughly sealed and insulated to prevent air leaks through gaps at connections and energy loss through the metal of the ductwork itself. Check all sections to ensure they fit together snugly. Seal connections with the specialized sealant mastic or with metal tape. Insulate ducts with rigid fiber board or fiberglass roll insulation.