Winter Is Coming: 3 Reasons To Schedule Furnace Maintenance

We believe in routine furnace maintenance as an investment in your equipment, your health, your checkbook and the environment.

With furnace maintenance, there are too many benefits to count, but we are going to count the 3 most commonly cited benefits by our furnace maintenance customers.

3 Reasons To Schedule Furnace MaintenanceOwner Jeremy Salzbrun, seen here, or any of his highly skilled team can come out to perform furnace maintenance before winter comes!

1. Save Money Every Month

Guess how much your system can be affected by not being cleaned, measured, inspected, checked and maintained? You can lose up to 15% of your system’s energy! When you look at your energy bill, that is your money going out the window.

With a scheduled, regular maintenance plan from H&S Heating & Air Conditioning, we’ll keep your furnace running at peak efficiency to keep more money in your checkbook.

2. Save The Environment

56% of your home’s energy usage comes from heating and cooling, according to Your environmental footprint can be severely impacted through routine furnace maintenance and cleaning!

We would also suggest looking into newer, more efficient equipment when the time comes to replace your furnace if you’re interested in lowering your energy usage. We are partners with Ruud, which have some great furnaces for the energy-conscious consumer.

3. Save The Hassle

Modern, high-tech equipment contains many moving parts and is sensitive to the environment. It can be difficult to assess, maintain and repair with the proper expertise or equipment. With scheduled furnace maintenance, you know your furnace is being cared for correctly, saving you the hassle of figuring it out yourself, as well as trying to find someone to fix it again later.

Winter Is Coming

Soon, winter will be here and the energy bills will be coming with it. Be sure to schedule your furnace maintenance with H&S Heating & Air Conditioning so you won’t be left out in the cold!